So many names… Centers of Excellence (COE’s) , Domestic Medical Tourism, Direct Contracting, Narrow Network, Steerage. Call it whatever you want, as at the end of the day creating big savings, big impact and big waves for employers and healthcare providers. COE’s should be something every employer has and every employer fights to implement. Left on their own employees and family members don’t know where to turn when a medical crisis hits their families, and many make poor decisions in receiving care locally. Learn how leading organizations and healthcare providers are breaking down state and country borders, and disrupting the traditional surgical delivery model.
Remember the mission to reach the moon? In 1962, President JFK set forth a vision. He initiated a movement that outlived him! Even in his death, the mission was accomplished seven years after his famous speech. Now we’re on a five-year mission, and it's not about us. This is a mission for you – the individual, the stakeholder, the employer healthcare and benefits professional. Join the mission to reduce costs, reimagine culture, and reinvent care.
Moonshot #3
Provide 40% of healthcare services virtually and through technology by 2025.