The pandemic has disrupted access to critical healthcare services such as preventative care, disease management, surgeries, mental health, and in almost every other category of healthcare. Pent-up demand has been created and the deferral of many of these services, which will cause conditions such as cancer and other diseases to progress untreated or undetected. An unprecedented increase in substance abuse and mental health has been created during this unprecedented time. Providers have been hurt financially and may recover their lost revenues through increasing their costs to deliver care for organizations. Organizations need to reimagine their current models– and their current vendors.
We must eliminate shiny baubles and service providers that cannot demonstrate a significant impact and ROI. Organizations need to prioritize solution providers that focus on utilization patterns, the quality of care, outcomes, and reduction of costs. Healthcare and benefits design needs to be reimagined with a new post-pandemic strategic focus on cost reduction and better outcomes with incentives, proper education, and programs that demonstrate evidence-based measurable success.