This session will show how self-funded employers are saving up to 50% on major surgeries and healthcare costs without compromising on, and sometimes improving, quality through overseas healthcare providers. Find out from employers who have successfully implemented medical travel why it turned their corporate culture around and why employees preferred to go abroad for care as opposed to receiving it locally. Learn how employers are incentivizing employees by waiving deductible coinsurance, out-of-pocket incentives, and putting up to $2,000 or more in employees’ pockets. Use this session to understand how to implement this and what medical procedures to offer through medical tourism, such as cancer, heart, orthopedics, stem cell, dental, and infusion specialty drugs. Also, tune in to hear from some of the top healthcare providers in the world affirm the level of technology and expertise provided by healthcare abroad.
Remember the mission to reach the moon? In 1962, President JFK set forth a vision. He initiated a movement that outlived him! Even in his death, the mission was accomplished seven years after his famous speech. Now we’re on a five-year mission, and it's not about us. This is a mission for you – the individual, the stakeholder, the employer healthcare and benefits professional. Join the mission to reduce costs, reimagine culture, and reinvent care.
Moonshot #3
Provide 40% of healthcare services virtually and through technology by 2025.