How the Johns Hopkin's COVID-19 Website Grew to Become a Global Content Hub in Months

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  • In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine developed a strategy to provide fast access to accurate content in a world that was slowly being plagued by disinformation and conspiracy theories. The organization created its first COVID-19 content in January 2020 as the virus just began to ravage China. By March 2020, content on the website was ranking No. 1 in search engines, until it slowly evolved into a global platform of hundreds of articles daily, including infographics, and videos covering topics around the coronavirus, its risk factors, preventive steps against the infection, and how to maintain mental wellbeing amid the pandemic
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine developed content on daily updates received from medical experts in the organization's coronavirus incident center. The team consists clinical experts, researchers, including emergency medicine physicians and infectious disease experts
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine also leveraged Sitecore's Experience Database and Experience Platform to collect user data and feedback to help the provider to create personalized content. The organization also collaborated with other digital firms, including Berndt Group to achieve a high-profile data model
  • The organization remained at pace with public questions and concerns regarding the virus, and soon grew to receiving total visits of more than 38 million in a few months
  • Senior director of Internet Strategey, Aarons Watkins, said the website also contained information about other health challenges, such as stress, aging, and sleep, that may be conncted to the pandemic